The Alps and Alplets tour – Part IV – Nauders

My wife and I have spent the last 10 days driving around in Europe, so I thought I would blog about the fun we had and tell you all the things you really need to know if you ever find yourself in very specific places in Northern Italy, Switzerland and the tiniest southern tip of Austria.

Part IV- Nauders

Imagine the most quaint Austrian ski village ever. There you go, that’s Nauders. Nestled just 4 miles east of the Swiss border and 2 miles north of the Italian border, it is about as close to the edge of Austria as it’s possible to get. It’s very nice and very nondescript. We were only there for one night, which was about right as it was beautiful to look at, and offered little else. Still, nothing else was required of it, so I can’t (and won’t) complain.

Nauders - very lovely, very Austrian.

Nauders – very lovely, very Austrian.

Our dinner at the hotel featured some kind of dishwater strained through an oxo cube. It was vaguely beef-like, but perhaps that’s more in hope than expectation. The main course was nice till we realised it was veal and the dessert was actually just nice. More interesting though was the ongoing love story between the girl at the next table and the scruffy ‘bad-boy’ waiter. He might only be a bad boy by Nauders standards, which means he probably once parked his bike in the wrong place or stole a cow’s bell possibly, but she was totally besotted with him, the poor girl.

What else to say? The cats were incredibly anti social, (cats, amirite?) the owners not much more garrulous, and the children who were bouncing on the trampoline were surprisingly palatable. We played cards and I was destroyed at Quiddler, yet again, by my tactically superior and more intelligent better half.

Then we were off again, as quickly as we’d come, to the delights of Bormio, a journey that was windy and windy in equal measure.

Our view as we set off. Rolling clouds and Alps a-go-go.

Our view as we set off. Rolling clouds and Alps a-go-go.

About PS

English teacher in Shanghai.
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